Audience Circle
Monthly Giving Club

$30 provides tickets and transportation for 1 school-aged child to attend a live theatrical performance!

Your monthly donation of ANY amount supports tickets and transportation for school-aged youth from Title I schools in Ventura County and tickets to all school-aged youth of Ventura County.

Low income students who are highly engaged in the arts are more than twice as likely to graduate college as their peers with no arts education.1

Brain research shows that not only does music improve skills in math and reading, but it promotes creativity, social development, personality development and self-worth.2

1 Catterall, J.S. (2009). Doing Well and Doing Good by Doing Art: The Effects of Education in the Visual and Performing Arts on the Achievements and Values of Young Adults. Los Angeles/London: Imagination Group/I-Group Books.

2 WEinberger, Norman M. “The Music in Our Minds.” Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, University of California. Accessed February 25, 2014,


  • Kelly and Rebecca Barton
  • David Bayer
  • Ingrid Hardy
  • Astrid McLean
  • Henry Montalvo
  • Renée Munson
  • Diane Newman
  • Claudia Bill & Ron de la Peña
  • Laura Marie and Darius Raulinaitis
  • Amber and Sean Rendineo
  • Kyle Rohrbach

The Shiraishi Family

Jill Wiechman